Updates Made

  • 02-09-25 - Spiffied up the ol' place. Moved changelog to its own page (you're here now). Updated the about page to be more responsive-friendly (sadly lost the bells and whistles). Changed the guestbook host.
  • 12-02-24 - Good lord, it's been a minute! Updated the art page to just be the gallery; spiffied up the about page a little.
  • 01-16-24 - Added the main gallery of art!
  • 12-27-23 - Complete overhaul of the site! Updated the entire HTML and CSS using a theme from Kalechips. Forced myself to start simple!

Updates To Do

  • Need to add art galleries - will use the Melonking gallery maker.
  • Need to add AU & Headcanon pages - will try and develop a layout for sharing them most effectively.
  • May implement dark mode...?
  • Blog - will use Zonelets for this. Need to get to shrines set up.