Fellow Netizens

Awesome Sites


  • Virtual Code Studio - What I use to code in. Check out the extensions as well! Live Server in particular is invaluable to me.
  • Kalechips - The source of the template I'm currently using!
  • Free Coding Help - This resource was super invaluable for me when I was first approaching web design! Totally recommend reaching out to the webmaster if you really have any questions you can't crack.
  • - I'm sure everyone links to her, but it's for a reason! A must read page for anyone getting started.
  • W3Schools - Invaluable resource. One day I'll have to take my own advice and learn bottom to top here!
  • HTML Cheat Sheet - Too lazy to generate something simple yourself? Do what I do and use the cheatsheet!


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Hollywood Holiday
Frank Samuels